<HTML><!--This file created 8/12/98 12:23 AM by Claris Home Page version 3.0--><HEAD>  <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Adobe PageMill 2.0 Mac">  <TITLE>Welcome to Personal Data Server 1.5</TITLE>  <X-CLARIS-WINDOW TOP=42 BOTTOM=469 LEFT=4 RIGHT=534>  <X-CLARIS-TAGVIEW MODE=minimal></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#330099" VLINK="#000000"><P><CENTER><IMG SRC="image/sdifft.gif" WIDTH="364" HEIGHT="32" ALIGN="BOTTOM"NATURALSIZEFLAG="3"></CENTER></P><P><CENTER><I><TT><FONT SIZE=-1>Puts the power of the Internet right inthe palm of your hand!</FONT></TT></I></CENTER></P><P><CENTER><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="6" WIDTH="90%"><TR><TD WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#62d6ac"><H1><CENTER><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Welcome to </FONT><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS">NewtonOSPersonal Data Sharing 1.5</FONT></CENTER></H1><P><CENTER><A HREF="#Intro"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Introduction</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica">| </FONT><A HREF="#SysReq"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">System Requirements</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica">| </FONT><A HREF="#Start"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Get Started</FONT></A></CENTER></P><H2><A NAME="Intro"></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Why the New Name?</FONT></H2><OL>  <LI><A HREF="vershis.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica"><B>New  Features! </B></FONT></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica"><BR>  <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="4" CELLSPACING="2"><TR><TD>  Serve A Custom Default Page!</TD><TD>  Set Default Font, Size, Background Color!</TD><TD>  Better support for Non-ASCII characters!</TD></TR><TR><TD>  Access your Datebook!</TD><TD>  Bug Fixes!</TD><TD>  Automated Setup of your Notpad</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>  Post Notes to your Notepad from the WWW!</TD><TD>  More Helpful Error Messages</TD></TR></TABLE></FONT>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Since its conception and earlier release, Notepad  Server has begun to transcend its humble beginnings as a simple text-to-html  markup device and emerge as a tool for sharing all sorts of data with other  users on the WWW. Since the initial release, I have heard of this package  being used as a replacement for NCU, a web server, a calendar server (sing  Herb Otto's DateSum), and much, much more. The new name reflects the promise  that our humble little package represents and that is c<I>ross-platform  sharing of many types of personal digital assistant data using established  protocols.</I></FONT>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica">During the initial development cycles, the components  of this package were numbered separately in anticipation of possible divergence  in development times. However, since the second release it has been obvious  to me that all components of this package should be updated simultaneously  and therefore share a version number.</FONT>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Finally, this software package is modular and  with this release, I introduce three more modules. Attempting to denote  each version number separately would be inane!</FONT></OL><H2><FONT FACE="Helvetica">What Are the Components of Personal Data Sharing?</FONT></H2><UL>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica"><B>Notepad Server</B> allows you to use nHTTPd  or better to serve web pages from your Newton Notepad. And that's it. (Although  this is no small feat since as you know, the Newton doesn't have any notion  of files and directories!).</FONT>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica"><B>Notepad Setup</B> is an optional self-removing  autopart that ensures that you have a proper Web folder and installs two  sample Notes in that folder so that your server is even more ready to go  right after installation!</FONT>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica"><B>Agenda Server</B> examines your Dates and  makes your Agenda (All Meetings and Notes) for the next 4 days available  as a nicely formatted table. A HyperLink to Agenda Server (if installed)  is accessible from pages served by Notepad Server. A future version of  Agenda server will allow you to change the number of days shown and will  present ToDo items as well.</FONT>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica"><B>nHTTPd</B> is a small web server based on  a technical writeup Ray Rischpater did for </FONT><A HREF="http://www.mactech.com/"><FONT SIZE="+1" FACE="Helvetica"><I>develop</I></FONT><FONT FACE="Helvetica">  </FONT></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica">magazine in March 1997. In the form it  was released in, nHTTPd was fairly non-functional, but after some tweaking  of the publicly available source code, it is now capable of working with  my Notepad Server CGP (included) to serve notes from your Newton OS Notepad.  The original nHTTPd is released under Gnu Public License (see </FONT><A  HREF="GPL.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">GPL.html</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica">)  as will the source to this build when it is finalized but until then I  will keep development of nHTTPd private.</FONT>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica"><B>nHTTPd Setup </B>is an optional package used  to configure nHTTPd's plethora of new features.</FONT>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica"><B>Whiteboard</B> is a preview of what's to  come for PDS. Installing this extension allows you and other clients to  use a forms-enabled browser to post Notes right into the Web folder of  your PDS-enabled Newton.</FONT></UL><H2><A NAME="SysReq"></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica">What do I need to use thesepackages?</FONT></H2><P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Since NewtonOS Personal Data Sharing relies ona TCP/IP connection, Newton OS 2.x and NIE 1.1 (or greater) are requiredand because of the prestidigitation we do to generate web pages, a maximumof heap is recommended.</FONT></P><P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Although it's not required, a static IP is nice,too, as it is with any type of server you run.</FONT></P><H2><A NAME="Start"></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica">OK. Let's Get Started.</FONT></H2><P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">I suggest you install NewtonOS Personal Data Sharingin 4 steps.</FONT></P><OL>  <LI><A HREF="nhttpd.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Install  nHTTPd</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica"> and make sure you can get a connection  with it. But you still won't be able to serve web pages.</FONT>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Not until you have </FONT><A HREF="howto.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">installed  Notepad Server</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica"> </FONT><A HREF="howto.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">and  Agenda Server</FONT></A>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica">And </FONT><A HREF="writing.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">written  some web pages</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica"> for service on the WWW.</FONT>  <LI><A HREF="serve1.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Serve  some Web Pages!</FONT></A></OL><P><FONT FACE="Helvetica">After you get that running, you may want to:</FONT></P><UL>  <LI><A HREF="board.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Configure your Newton</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica">  to accept postings from the WWW</FONT></UL><H2><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Miscellaneous Items:</FONT></H2><UL>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Having Problems?</FONT><A HREF="http://bushlab1.life.uiuc.edu/bugreport.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">The  </A><A HREF="trouble.html">Troubleshooting Page</A><A HREF="http://bushlab1.life.uiuc.edu/bugreport.html"></FONT></A>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Read the </FONT><A HREF="vershis.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Version  History</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Helvetica"> of Personal Data Server</FONT>  <LI><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Read the latest </FONT><A HREF="http://bushlab1.life.uiuc.edu/bugreport.html"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Bug  Report</FONT></A>  <LI><A HREF="mailto:matvon@mad.scientist.com"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Mail  the author.</FONT></A>  <LI><A HREF="http://come.to/lightyear_media"><FONT FACE="Helvetica">Lightyear  Media Homepage</FONT></A></UL></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></P><P><CENTER><I><FONT SIZE=-1>This documentation and the software to whichit pertains<BR>is Copyright 1998 by Matthew Vaughn</FONT></I><P><IMG SRC="http://www.life.uiuc.edu/cgi-bin/nph-count?width=3&link=http://pop.life.uiuc.edu/~mwvaugh/docs15/start.html"ALT="Counter" BORDER="0" ALIGN="BOTTOM"></CENTER></BODY></HTML>